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An Introduction to Net Zero Research

In late 2020 the Membership of the Biomass and Fossil Fuel Research Alliance (BF2RA) decided unanimously to change the name of the organisation to Net Zero Research.  This new organisation is a not for profit company that is limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. Membership is open to both the private and public sector.  Current Members includes leading companies from the electricity supply industry, major equipment manufacturers, major fuel users and the research sector.

This change recognises the rapidly evolving energy landscape and the desire to move towards net zero (or negative) carbon emissions by facilitating research:-

  • that enables power generation and other industrial assets to transition to a low carbon future achieving net zero or negative carbon emissions
  • to understand the key role of energy production and carbon capture from biomass in societies path to net zero carbon emissions
  • technologies and applications for the production, distribution and use of biomass and fossil fuels and their derivatives to minimise carbon emissions
  • into building a net zero future through research into combustion optimisation/decarbonisation, low carbon fuels/hydrogen, biomass/negative emission technologies and related technologies

A key objective of Net Zero Research is to provide funds for such research and to publish the useful results, to make grants to any person or persons engaged in or connected with such research work and to advance the education of such persons

Net Zero Research principally selects projects for funding via open calls for proposals.  This ensures a level playing field for the academic institutions. Research is part funded with the balance of funding coming from the UK Research Council, university and other third party sources.

Net Zero Research facilitates the dissemination of its research findings via various events. It is a sponsor of the 1st FERIA Conference in September 2021 which includes the Clean Energy Science Lecture and a technical session of BF2RA (now Net Zero Research) presentations.

Membership of Net Zero Research enables access to the results from all funded research and also allows access to the BF2RA research portfolio of some 36 projects (24 completed, 10 ongoing and 2 due to start in 2021) with a combined full economic value of about  £4M.

Net Zero Research launched its first Call for Proposals in late December 2020 with a closing date of 5th March 2021.  The Call Document can be found both on the Net Zero Research and BF2RA websites


Net Zero Research